The Arizona Justice Educators Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes the advancement, effectiveness, and quality of justice education; understanding and cooperation in the field of justice education; the highest ethical standards in justice education professionals; and recognizes achievements and contribution by educators, practitioners, and students.
AzJEA runs entirely on membership dues and the generosity of donations and sponsorships. This generosity allows us to provide high quality workshops and educational forums for our professional membership and give back to our students via scholarships at our annual conference.
We rely on our members and generous sponsors to provide the funds for the scholarships and minimal upkeep of running the organization. Further it is to perpetuate the quality, ethical educational opportunities AzJEA is committed to providing.
Members and individuals may contribute any amount in addition to annual membership dues. Donations are used to fund additional student scholarships.
Individuals and organizations are welcome to sponsor student scholarships or events.
Scholarships will be awarded in the name of AzJEA and the sponsor, e.g., The AzJEA/ACME Scholarship. An event sponsor will be recognized and welcomed at the actual event. In both cases, the sponsor will receive recognition on all fliers and promotional materials, in addition to the AzJEA website. Sponsors who provide significant technological support or monetary investment toward AzJEA's technological needs will be recognized as the AzJEA Technology Sponsor.
Minimum sponsorship is $500, which funds one student scholarship. Multiple sponsorships are available to the same sponsor and graciously appreciated.